About the Author
Millie Bokern is a retired RN, author, wellness educator, speaker, and seminar leader. After retiring from the hospital scene, Millie became an advocate for teaching people about wellness. She travels extensively, giving lectures and workshops. As a personal consultant, she has had numerous opportunities to identify what causes the dis-ease in others. In Know Thyself: 21 Days to P.E.A.C.E., Millie offers a unique blend of fun and fact; compassion and empowerment; work and play; to assist one in finding inner peace.
Millie is available to facilitate the 21 Days to P.E.A.C.E. workshop for a group in your area. She also organizes 21-DAY nature journeys and resort/spa adventures. To be included on our mailing list, just send me an email to millie@lifelinetohealth.com. You can also send a postcard with your name and address to:
Lifeline To Health
4950 N. Miller Road, #137
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Author’s Note:
Throughout my life, numerous people have told me I would write a book. They were right! Here it is …a book AND self-awareness course in one package. Whether or not you will benefit from it, I haven’t a clue…only you can make that decision. You will receive from the course exactly the amount of information you are prepared to receive.
My life was transformed during the 21 Days this course unfolded. May you also find the peace that surpasses all understanding in this life, and take it with you to the realms beyond.
Millie Bokern